This article will provide you with a basic understanding of how to use the Ironclad Sync Action to refresh mapped data in an Ironclad workflow.
For SFDC integrations versions 2.16 and above, we do not support adding a linked source to an Ironclad Workflow object. If this happens, please contact Ironclad support.
Ironclad Sync Action Overview
The Ironclad Salesforce integration enables you to directly manage the synchronization of mapped fields from Salesforce objects to workflow attributes in your Ironclad instance. You can do this by using a Flow action called “Ironclad Sync”. This action can be used in Flows to trigger a sync when needed.
The Ironclad Sync action takes a Salesforce record ID and tells Ironclad to synchronize any active workflows that are related to that Salesforce record. If you provide the Flow action with a value that is not a Salesforce record ID, then it will generate a fault that you can update in your Flow logic. You can only synchronize workflows in Ironclad during the Review stage. If you try to use the Ironclad Sync action to sync a workflow that is not in the Review stage, it will send the request to Ironclad where it will be rejected, but no fault will be generated in your Flow.
Concepts to Review
In the related articles, we describe how to configure the sync action for some common sales scenarios. We assume that you have a basic understanding of Salesforce Sales Cloud and CPQ concepts, and that you understand how to set up and configure Salesforce Flows. For more information on Salesforce Flows, check out Salesforce’s training content:
We also assume that you are familiar with the basic functions of the Ironclad Salesforce package and the mapping of Ironclad workflow and record attributes to Salesforce objects and fields. In particular, you will need to have a workflow launch mapping and workflow sync configured. The mapping determines which Salesforce fields will sync to an Ironclad workflow when you trigger the Flow action. If you have not dealt with these Ironclad topics before, we suggest reviewing the following article:
The Ironclad Sync action is an asynchronous action, meaning updates to the relevant Ironclad workflow can sometimes be delayed for a few minutes because of Salesforce and/or Ironclad server or network loads. This action also syncs all mapped fields for all active workflows attached to the target Salesforce record. This means that you should consider your overall set of field mappings across your active workflows before you configure a sync.
Workflow Design Syncing Considerations
The examples we provide in the related articles show various ways to set up your data syncing from Salesforce to Ironclad. As you design your own solution, we strongly recommend that you take into account the following considerations:
Workflow Template Optimization
When Salesforce data is synced to Ironclad, Ironclad automatically regenerates document templates with the new information if the template has not been manually edited via Ironclad Editor or document upload.
The amount of times commercial terms and legal terms appear in the same template is important from a process and template optimization perspective. Some teams separate the commercial terms that appear in a quote from the legal terms that should appear in a Master Service Agreement (MSA), Data Processing Addendum (DPA), or other agreement. This approach has a couple of benefits:
- Legal teams can negotiate legal terms on the appropriate agreements.
- Simultaneously, sales teams can continue to regenerate their quote because custom edits from legal negotiations are not being made to it.
Another approach for teams that prefer a single document is to build legal fallbacks into the quote template itself and manually reconcile data more often.
Approver Sequence and Re-Approvals
Reviewers in Ironclad are asked to re-approve if there are any changes made to the metadata or document after their approval, unless the workflow design is configured to preserve their approval in these situations. As a result, updates from the Salesforce Flow action reset any approval that is not set to be preserved.
It is worthwhile to define the sequence of approvals and which approvals need to be reset. This will simplify the review process. For example, approvals that should not be reset by changes to Salesforce data, such as a security approval, are worth preserving to minimize re-approvals. Others, such as a Finance approval that does need to be reset if the quote changes, can be optimized by sequencing them as the last approval to reduce the chance of changes before they review. Approvers who must review immediately and who also potentially need to review changes by other teams may be best served through internally agreed upon processes. For example, the team may hold off on providing their approval until all other reviewers have approved.