This topic will walk you through the various email notifications Ironclad sends out. It will detail which workflow step the emails are sent out on, which action triggers them, and who receives them.
Configure Your Email Notifications
By default, you receive the email notifications detailed in the table below. If you want, you can opt to receive more notifications.
- Click your name in the upper right hand corner.
- Click Personal Profile > Notifications.
- Under Workflow Emails, select More. You will now receive email notifications when someone posts a comment, and when workflows are fully executed or canceled.
- If you want to receive the email notifications for all of the workflows you own, select Send me emails for all updated to workflows I own. Any action that you take yourself will not trigger an email notification.
Ensure that Emails are Received
Most emails should arrive with no issue, but if you are not receiving them you may want to check your Spam/Junk folders to see if the email has been placed in there instead of your Inbox folder. This happens occasionally emails sent to accounts using Google Workspace/Gmail.
If you do find the email has been placed in the Spam/Junk folder, you can take the following actions to prevent Ironclad notifications from being classified as junk/spam:
1. Marks emails from Ironclad as Not Spam
2. Move emails from Ironclad that are in spam/junk to your inbox by using the "Report not spam" option in the Gmail interface. This will help signal that other Ironclad emails should not be sent to junk.
3. Create a contact for Ironclad Notifications
4. Notifications from Ironclad are sent from a single address. Create an email contact for Ironclad Notifications. Any name can be used, but the email address should be Please see the following link on how to create a contact here.
Additionally, your internal email administrators can take the following actions:
Allowlist the Ironclad email sending domains
- Use the following guide to add exceptions for the email domains listed in the table below:
Allowlist the Ironclad email sending IP addresses
- Use the following guide to add exceptions for the sending IP addresses listed in the table below:
Purpose | Web Address | Region | IP |
Ironclad CLM | | USA | |
Ironclad CLM | | USA | |
Ironclad CLM | | USA | |
Ironclad CLM | | EU | |
Purpose | Web Address | Region | IP |
Ironclad Clickwrap | | USA | |
If you do not find the email within your Spam/Junk folder then it is most likely a case in which the email from Ironclad has been held in Google's "Quarantine" feature. In this case, you will need to reach out to your internal email administrators to check this space for the mail and ask them to release it so it is able to be sent to the intended recipients Inbox.
When Are Email Notifications Sent?
Ironclad sends out email notifications to prompt action or to notify a party that an action has been completed. The table below provides a guide that includes:
- which workflow step the notification is sent out on
- which action triggers the notification
- who receives the notification
Note: This topic does not include any custom email notifications that you may have configured for your own workflows or notifications sent out by your eSignature provider.
Step |
Action Description |
How to Trigger |
Notification Event Type |
Notification Description |
Recipient(s) |
Email Recipient(s) |
Email to Owner? |
Email to Assignee? |
Email to Specific Participant |
Create | Assign Internal Form | Create a workflow with an assigned form. A notification is generated after the launch form is submitted. | Form Assigned | You need to complete information. | Assignee | Assignee | Yes | ||
Reassign Internal Form | Go to a workflow where you have been assigned an internal form. Reassign form to another user. | Form Assigned | You need to complete information. | Assignee | Assignee | Yes | |||
Review | Assign Reviewer | Start a workflow with you as the reviewer. A notification will be sent after the document is generated. | Review Assigned | You need to approve a document. | Assignee(s) | Assignee(s) (except for owner) | Yes | ||
Reassign Reviewer | Go to a workflow where you are a reviewer. Reassign the review to another user. | Review Assigned | You need to approve a document. | Assignee | Assignee (unless took action) | Yes | |||
Edit Information | Go to a workflow on the Review step. Edit the information. | Information Updated | Information was updated. | Participants except the user who edited information | Owner (unless the owner edited information) | Yes (unless took action) | |||
Review Assigned | Information was updated and re-approval is needed. | Assignee(s) (due to approvals reset) | Assignee(s) | Yes | |||||
Approve Review | Go to a workflow where you are a reviewer. Click approve. | Review Approved | {Approver} approved the contract. | Participants except approver | Owner (unless owner was approver) | Yes (unless took action) | |||
Collect All Approvals | Go to a workflow where you are the last or only reviewer. Click approve. | Approvals Collected | All approvals were collected. | Owner | Owner | Yes | |||
Sign | Revert To Review | Go to workflow on sign step. revert to review | Revert To Review | Workflow was reverted to review. | Participants except user who reverted | Owner (unless owner reverted) | Yes (unless took action) | ||
Approval Assigned | Please review. | Assignee(s) (due to approvals reset) | Assignees | Yes | |||||
Assign Signature | Go to inbound workflow on review step. Approve to advance to sign step. | Signature Assigned | Please collect signatures. | Assignee (Signature coordinator role) | Assignee | Yes | |||
Go to inbound workflow on sign step. Reassign signature coordinator | Signature Assigned | Please collect signatures. | Assignee (Signature coordinator role) | Assignee | Yes | ||||
Go to workflow on review step where e-sig is disabled. Approve to advance to sign step. | Signature Assigned | Please upload signed doc. | Assignee (Role who uploads signed doc) | Assignee | Yes | ||||
Go to workflow on sign step where e-sig is disabled. Reassign document uploader. | Signature Assigned | Please upload signed doc. | Assignee (Role who uploads signed doc) | Assignee | Yes | ||||
Go to workflow where document is missing sig tags and is on review step. Approve to advance to sign step. | Signature Assigned | Please collect signatures. | Assignee (signature coordinator role) | Assignee | Yes | ||||
Go to workflow where document is missing sig tags and is on sign step. Reassign signature coordinator. | Signature Assigned | Please collect signatures. | Assignee (signature coordinator role) | Assignee | Yes | ||||
Send Signature Request(s) | Go to inbound workflow on sign step. Reassign a pending signature. | Signature Request Sent | Signature requests sent to [assignees]. | Owner | Owner | Yes | |||
Go to workflow on review step. Approve to advance to sign step. Prepare documents for eSig and send requests. | Signature Request Sent | Signature requests sent to [assignees]. | Owner | Owner | Yes | ||||
Go to workflow on sign step with sequential signers. Complete first signature. | Signature Request Sent | Signature requests sent to [assignees]. | Owner | Owner | Yes | ||||
Decline Signature | Go to workflow on sign step where you are a signer. Decline signature throug e-sig provider. (Declining signatures may not be available through demo e-sig accounts) | Signature Request Declined | A signer declined. Please review. | Owner | Owner | Yes | |||
Submit Signature | Go to workflow on sign step. Upload partially or fully signed doc. | Signed | [Signers] signed the contract. | Participants except signers and user who uploaded document | Owner (unless owner was a signer or uploaded document) | Yes (unless took action) | |||
Collect All Signatures | Go to inbound or templatized workflow where you are a signer. Submit all signatures. | Signatures Collected | All signatures were collected. | Participants | Owner | Yes | |||
Go to inbound or templatized workflow where you are a signer (including where e-sig is disabled). Upload fully signed contract. | Signatures Collected | All signatures were collected. | Participants except user who uploaded document | Owner (unless owner uploaded document) | Yes (unless took action) | ||||
Archive | Revert To Sign | Go to workflow on archive step. revert to sign | Revert To Sign | Workflow was reverted to sign. | Participants except user who reverted | Owner (unless owner reverted) | Yes (unless took action) | ||
Signature Assigned | Please collect signatures. | Assignee (due to signature reset) | Assignee | Yes | |||||
Auto Archive | Go to workflow where auto-archive is configured and is on sign step. Submit signatures to advance to archive. | Auto Archive | Workflow was auto-archived. | Participants | |||||
Assign Archive | Go to workflow with assigned archiver on sign step. Submit signatures to advance to archive. | Archive Assigned | Please review and archive. | Assignee | Assignee | Yes | |||
Go to workflow on archive step and reassign archiver | Archive Assigned | Please review and archive. | Assignee | Assignee | Yes | ||||
Misc. | Cancel Workflow | Go to any workflow and cancel it | Workflow Canceled | Workflow was canceled. | Participants | Owner | Yes | ||
Add Comment | Go to any workflow and add a comment | Comment Added | {Commenter} commented on a workflow. | Participants except commenter | Owner (unless owner was commenter) | Yes (unless took action) | |||
Add @-Mention | Go to any workflow and add an @-mention comment | Comment Added | {Commenter} commented on a workflow. | Participants except commenter and users who were @mentioned | Owner (unless owner was commenter or was @mentioned) | Yes (unless took action) | |||
MentionAdded | {Commenter} mentioned you: comment... | Users who were @mentioned | Users who were @Mentioned | Yes | |||||
Remind | Go to workflow on create step with assigned form. Remind assignee. | Reminder | {Author} reminds you to please complete information. | Assignee | Assignee | Yes | |||
Go to workflow on review step. Remind reviewer. | Reminder | {Author} reminds you to please review. | Assignee | Assignee | Yes | ||||
Go to workflow with missing sig tags or e-sig disabled on sign step. Remind signing coordinator. | Reminder | {Author} reminds you to please collect signatures. | Assignee | Assignee | Yes | ||||
Go to workflow on sign step with e-sig requests out. Remind signer. | E-sig reminder email | This is not an internal notification. This event triggers an e-signature provider email reminding users to sign. | N/A | N/A | |||||
Go to workflow on archive step. Remind archiver | Reminder | {Author} reminds you to please archive. | Assignee | Assignee | Yes |