This article will provide you with seven simple tips for building better workflows. These tips are universal and will be helpful no matter which industry you are in or your workflow's contract type.
Tip 1: Use Section and Text Formatting in Launch Forms
Break your launch form into sections and use text formatting to make your launch form easier to understand and respond to. To learn more, refer to Customize Launch Forms in Workflow Designer.
Use Sections
Well-structured sections enhance clarity and usability, fostering confidence among requesters and aiding admins in maintenance and improvement. -
Make Questions Bold
Highlighting questions in bold helps them stand out, making it easier for users to identify and respond to them. -
Use Bullets for Optional Question Descriptions
Providing optional descriptions in bullet points can clarify the intent of questions. -
Conditional Questions or Sections
Always place conditional questions or sections following the question that triggers them to ensure logical flow and comprehension.
Tip 2: Pre-Fill Default Answers to Launch Form Questions
Pre-fill default answers on your launch form to make it easier for users to complete forms quickly and accurately, improving their experience and reducing the chance of errors. To learn more, refer to Customize Launch Forms in Workflow Designer.
Default Agreement Date to ‘Today’
Setting the Agreement Date to default to today simplifies the process for users since this is the most common selection. -
Pre-answer Common Questions
Consider filling in answers for questions that usually have a common or preferred response to save time. -
Provide Templates for Short Answer Questions
For questions that need specific formats or multiple details, include a template or example answer to guide users.
Tip 3: Mark Appropriate Sections as Review Only
Mark sections as Review Only to ensure that important information remains accurate and unchanged, promoting clarity and reliability throughout the contract process. To learn more, refer to Customize Launch Forms in Workflow Designer.
Auto-filled Information from Another Contract
Sections that pull in data from a previous contract should be marked as review only. -
Auto-filled Information from an Integration
Data received through an integration should also be set to review only. -
Information Supplied During the Review Phase
Any details added during the review phase should be restricted to review only.
Tip 4: Group and Reorder Metadata
Group and reorder metadata to make it easier for users to navigate and focus on what matters most, improving efficiency and user experience. To learn more, refer to Customize Launch Forms in Workflow Designer.
Group Similar Metadata Fields
Organize metadata by creating sections, such as “Counterparty Info” and “Documents,” to enhance clarity. -
Default Sections to Collapsed
Set certain sections to default as collapsed to keep the metadata list concise and user-friendly. -
Create a Section for Non-Essential Fields
Designate a section that defaults to collapsed for fields that aren’t necessary during the workflow, minimizing distractions.
Tip 5: Use Consecutive Roles
Use Consecutive Roles to minimize time spent re-assigning users. To learn more, refer to Use Persisted Roles.
Assign Larger Groups as Reviewers
When a large group is assigned for review, consecutive roles allow for easier management of specific users within that group. -
Default Signature Coordinator and Archiver Roles
Configure the Signature Coordinator and Archiver roles to automatically match the first re-assigned user, so you only need to re-assign once.
Tip 6: Change Your Workflow Naming Convention and Adjust Your Dashboard Views Accordingly
Change Workflow Naming Convention
Adjust your workflow naming convention to incorporate relevant words and metadata fields for clarity. -
Adjust Dashboard Views
Update your Dashboard Views to align with the new naming convention, ensuring consistency and usability. -
Focus on Useful Information
Consider the different Views in use to make sure the workflow names provide the most valuable information.
Tip 7: Configure Workflow Access to Automatically Include New Users in
Configure automatic access for new users to streamlines workflows and ensure relevant stakeholders are included, enhancing collaboration and efficiency. To learn more, refer to Configure Workflow and Record Access in Workflow Designer.
Automate User Inclusion in Workflows
Set up workflows to automatically include new users or groups if specific conditions are met. For example, automatically invite the Finance Director to Sales workflows for contracts exceeding $100,000. -
Location-Based Invitations
Invite different groups based on responses to questions about region or territory in the Launch Form.
Tip 8: Configure Rotating Role Assignments
You can configure internal role assignments such as: Internal Form Recipients, Approvers, Signature Coordinators, Company Signers, and Archivers to rotate through users or group assignments automatically. This enables you to manage your team’s bandwidth without manually intervening. To learn more, refer to Configure Workflow Roles in Workflow Designer
For instructions specific to each role: