Configure Ironclad Signature
Ironclad Signature is an electronic signature (eSignature) provider. Configure Ironclad Signature in your company to allow users to upload and send documents for signature directly from their Dashboard or as part of workflows using Workflow Designer.
- Click on your profile icon located in the top right corner of Ironclad. Navigate to Company Settings > Integrations.
- Under Acceptance, Ironclad Signature will display Configured.
For most customers, Ironclad Signature is available to trial and is already configured in your company. If you have not purchased Ironclad Signature as your signature provider, you can use one of our supported signature provider integrations.
Manage Access to Ironclad Signature
Manage Access at a Group Level
Company administrators can control who can send documents for signature with user level permissions and workflow configurations. For most customers, documents will be sent for signature as part of a workflow. Documents can be immediately sent for signature once all approvals are received, or when manually triggered by a Signature Coordinator.
Administrators can also allow users with at least a requestor seat to send directly for signature using group permissions. Documents sent directly for signature bypass workflow configurations, including approvals. By default, only company administrators can send documents directly for signature.
- Click on your profile icon located in the top right corner of Ironclad. Navigate to Company Settings > Users and Groups > Groups.
- Click on the group you want to give access to, and then click Edit Group.
- Update access for the Send Directly for Signature permission
- Cannot send directly for signature: This is the default selection. Users cannot send for signature outside of a workflow.
- Can send directly for signature any record type (current and future): Users can send documents directly for signature. Documents can be stored as any record type available in your company.
- Can send directly for signature for specific record types: Users can send documents directly for signature. Specify the record types users can store documents as.
- Click Save.
Users will now have two options on their Dashboard: “Start a workflow” and “Upload for Signature”. Select “Start a workflow” to launch a workflow from a workflow configuration. Select “Upload for Signature” to upload, stamp, and send a document out for signature.
Record types cannot be created when sending a document directly for signature, but can be created in Workflow Designer. Restricting the record types available when sending directly for signature can help maintain clean repository data.
Manage Access at a Company Level
- Click on your profile icon located in the top right corner of Ironclad. Navigate to Company Settings > Settings.
- Locate the Ironclad Signature section.
- Toggle on Allow users to upload a contract directly for signature.
- Click Save.
Use Two Signature Providers in One Company Instance
You can use one of our supported signature provider integrations in addition to Ironclad Signature in one company. The signature provider used is determined by the workflow configuration.
Enable Multiple Signature Providers
- Click on your profile icon located in the top right corner of Ironclad. Navigate to Company Settings > Integrations.
- Select the signature provider you want to enable and select Link Account. You now have multiple providers linked.
The signature provider configured in Workflow Designer is used for all signature packets sent from that workflow configuration moving forward. You cannot switch the signature provider for an individual workflow.
Disable Multiple Signature Providers
You can do this for all signature providers except Ironclad Signature.
- Click on your profile icon located in the top right corner of Ironclad. Navigate to Company Settings > Integrations.
- Select the signature provider you want to disable and select Unlink Account. Signature requests will only be sent from the remaining signature provider.
Customize Date Format
If you are an admin, you can configure your company’s date format to best meet your needs.
- Click on your profile icon located in the top right corner of Ironclad. Navigate to Company Settings > Settings.
- Select a date format.
- Click Update. All signature packets that are sent out after that change is made will have the updated default format in the Signer Date property. There are no impacts to the Electronic Record.