This article will provide you with a basic overview of approvals and how to manage them. This includes how to send reminders, add an approver, and reassign an existing approver.
Approvals Overview
Approvers are responsible for reviewing and approving contracts. In the Approvals section, you'll find a list of approvers, with their roles indicated beneath their names. To understand whether their approval is always required or only under specific conditions, hover over the question mark icon next to each name.
Although an admin configures the default approvers for your workflow at the Workflow Designer level, you can modify existing approvers and add new ones.
Clause Approvers
If you integrate AI Playbooks into your workflow, clause approvers may display in your Approvals list. When you assign specific people to review clauses, they are listed under Approvals. This includes ad-hoc clause approvals and clause approver configurations at the Playbook position level. Similar to document approvers, you can modify the approver and send reminders. To view the specific clause assigned to the approver, click Go to Clause.
Send a Reminder
In Ironclad, click the Dashboard tab, and then select a workflow.
In the Approvals section, locate the person you want to remind and in that same row, click ****the three stacked dots > Send Reminder. Ironclad sends them an email reminding them to review the document.
Reassign an Existing Approver
Once you submit a workflow’s launch form, you can change which user is assigned to review and approve the document.
- In the workflow’s Review section, locate the list of approvers. Click the three stacked dots located next to the approver you want to reassign.
- Click Edit Approver.
- If applicable, name the approver's Role.
- Select a user from the Assigned To dropdown. If the Approval step is configured to be limited to a specific group, then the approval can only be reassigned to other members of that group. To learn more, refer to Build Conditional Role Assignments.
- If needed, add Instructions, and then click Save.
- If you no longer need an approver, click the three stacked dots next to their name, and then click Remove Approver. This removes the required approval, but keeps the user as a participant in the workflow.
Add a New Approver
You can add approvers and reviewers as contract negotiations progress. All participants in a workflow can add a new approver.
When you add a new approver, it does not adjust the document template, but it is tracked in the Activity Feed. The new approver is notified their approval is required. New approvers are always listed as required last, and they cannot be reordered. If a workflow returns to the Review step after the Signature or Archive steps, the approver must be added again manually.
If you add a user as an approver that is not a participant in the workflow, they are given access to the workflow. This cannot be undone.
- In the workflow’s Review section, locate the list of approvers. Click Add Approver.
- Select a user from the Approver Name dropdown. This dropdown includes all members of your company that are users Ironclad.
- Add a Reason for Approval and click Send Request.
- If you no longer need an approver, click the three stacked dots next to their name, and then click Change to Participant. This removes the required approval, but keeps the user as a participant in the workflow.