Click to view related learning resources:
- Introduction to Ironclad Data: Key Concepts and Terms: This article will provide you with definitions of some key Ironclad data concepts and terms related to Data Manager.
- Plan Your Data in Ironclad: This article will walk you through how to create a data schema plan before you begin using Data Manager. This will help you create a solid foundation for you to build your future workflow configurations around.
- Manage and Optimize Data Schemas: This article will provide an overview of data schema management and provide a list of relevant resources for further data management.
- Clean Up Data Schema Models in Ironclad: This article will walk you through how to clean up your data schema models in Ironclad. This includes how to merge new and existing data, remove invalid data, and manage default data.
- Use Metadata Import to Clean Up Stored Contract Data in the Repository: This article will provide you with best practices on how to use metadata import to clean up your stored contract data in the Repository.
We highly recommend taking our Manage Data in Ironclad course in Ironclad Academy. After you complete this course, you will be able to:
- Explain Ironclad’s data structure and its relationships to your contracts.
- Identify system-generated properties within the Lifecycle Preset.
- Define and manage the data you track in Ironclad with Data Manager and Workflow Designer.
- Add and configure the Lifecycle Preset in your workflows.
- Align your data structure to Ironclad’s standard, system-generated properties.
This article will walk you through how to improve your data’s discoverability.
Ironclad Data Display Names
A display name in Ironclad Data is a user-friendly label assigned to a data event or property, making it easier to read, understand, and incorporate into your analyses. By default, display names are defined when a new data [event] is created, but they may not always be clear or descriptive.
To improve clarity, you can give custom data events and properties new display names that offer an easy-to-read description of their purpose and content across Ironclad.
When you save changes to display names, they will automatically update across the Ironclad product, including:
- Workflow configurations
- In-progress workflows
- Existing contract records in the repository
This feature only applies to custom properties displayed in the global data manager experience. It does not apply to default, system-generated data events and properties. To minimize disruption to automated data workflows, the unique data key will not be updated or changed when modifying the display name.
Change the Display Name for a Data Property
You can update a data property's display name directly from Data Manager.
- Click on your profile icon located in the top right corner of Ironclad. Navigate to Company Settings > Data Manager.
- Select the relevant data type from the Data Manager dropdown menu.
- Click edit for the specific data property you want to modify.
- Edit the Name field.
- Click the checkmark icon in the top left of the panel to save changes.
- Review where the property is used and confirm the data name changes are accurate.
Add/Edit Data Descriptions
You can add and change the description for any record type or property to help other members of your organization understand what an event or property represents.
Changes saved to data descriptions will be automatically updated across the entire Ironclad product. This includes workflow configurations, ongoing workflows, and existing contract records in the Repository.
This feature only applies to custom properties included in the global Data Manager. It does not apply to default, system-generated properties.