This article will provide you with a list of frequently asked questions surrounding Ironclad's out of office functionality.
Set a Status
Question | Answer |
How can I set my status to OOO? | If you click your name in the top right corner, you should see a status box, which will include an option to set your status to “Out of office.” |
If I set my status to OOO, can I still customize my status message? | Yes. Users will see “OOO” next to your name, and your custom message will be visible or discoverable upon hover (depending on where in the product a user is looking at your name). The maximum character length for the custom status message is 120 characters. |
What is the maximum time length that my status can be set to OOO? | The maximum length of time your status can be set to OOO is one year. |
Can I set my OOO to start in the future? | Yes. You can set your OOO to start up to one year in advance. Your OOO status will be visible to others immediately after setting it, since the Start and End dates are visible to others. |
What is the timezone for my OOO? | Your OOO status is based on your local timezone, ending at 23:59:59 on the End date you selected. |
Can my status be updated automatically from other systems, such as Google Calendar or Slack? | No. At this time, you must update your status directly in Ironclad. |
Will my status be cleared automatically based on the End date? | Yes. Your OOO status will automatically end at 23:59:59 on the End date you select. |
Choose a Designee
Question | Answer |
Who can I choose a designee? |
If a Company Admin has enabled the reassignment functionality, you can choose any other user as your designee, regardless of seat type. Ex. Isabel sets her status to OOO. Hana is also a user in Ironclad, but not on Isabel’s team. Isabel can still select Hana as her designee. |
If I select someone with a Requester license as my designee, will that designee now be considered a Standard seat? |
No. Designees for OOO are not included considered Standard users at this time. Ex. Otis has a Standard seat license and is normally an Approver. He chooses Ivy as his designee, and Ivy is only a Requester. The company’s total number of Standard users is unaffected. |
Do I have to select a designee? |
No. Choosing a designee is optional. You may not want your workflows reassigned, but do want your status clearly visible to others while you are away. Ex. Kareem sets his status to OOO so other users know that he is away if they go to @-mention him in the Activity Feed and know why he has not yet approved their workflows. But he does not select a designee, because he needs to approve the workflows when he returns. |
Will my colleague be notified that I selected them as my designee? |
Yes. An email will be sent to your designee letting them know they have been selected by you, as well as the Start and End dates (and timezone) of your OOO. Ex. Nancy sets her status to OOO and selects Malcom as her designee. Malcolm receives an email informing him Nancy has chosen him with the Start and End dates. |
Question | Answer |
Which workflows will be reassigned as part of OOO? |
Reassignments occur when the workflow is launched and after any Internal or Counterparty Form is completed. That means, if the workflow is already in Review or Sign, no reassignments will occur. Ex. Barbara sets her OoO to begin today and last one week. A workflow is launched tomorrow. It will be reassigned. Ex. Earnest sets his OOO to begin next week. A workflow is launched tomorrow. It will not be reassigned. |
When do the reassignments occur? |
Reassignments occur when the workflow is launched and after any Internal or Counterparty Form is completed. That means, if the workflow is already in Review or Sign, no reassignments will occur. Ex. If a Finance approval was not originally needed, because the contract value was less than $10,000, but then the TCV changes such that Finance approval is now needed, the Finance role will not be reassigned if that user is Out of Office. Their OOO status will be reflected, however, and can be manually reassigned if needed. |
Are there cumulative or chained reassignments? | No. Workflows are only reassigned to the designee. They will not be forwarded across a chain of users. Ex. Aditya select Hazel as his designee, and Hazel selects Chelsey as her designee. Workflows that were reassigned from Aditya to Hazel will not be reassigned to Chelsey. |
If I choose a designee during OOO, will I still be able to access the workflows when I return? | Yes. You will still be a participant on all of the workflows that would have been assigned to you. |
How can the designator or designee find the workflows that were reassigned? |
A view will be created in the Dashboard for both users so they can easily find the list of workflows reassigned. Ex. Leo selects Cyrus as his designee, and 5 workflows were reassigned while Leo was away. Leo will have a view named, “OOO reassignments to Cyrus” and Cyrus will have a view named, “OOO reassignments from Leo.” |
Is there a way to reclaim the workflows when I return? |
When returning, you (the designator) will have a Dashboard view created for yourself. You must individually reassign workflows back to yourself on the Workflow page. Ex. Calvin selected Aiden as his designee, and five workflows reassigned while he was away. Calvin can use the custom view created to find those five workflows, navigate to their respective workflow page, and decide whether to reassign as applicable. |
If I select the wrong user for OOO, can I undo it? | You (he designator) can reassign the workflows back to yourself (or any other user mapped to the role), then remove the designee from the workflow. |
If you choose a delegate who does not have permissions, that assignment trumps permissions? Or will they be assigned but can’t take that action? |
The designee will have the ability to take the workflow actions specific to that role. Ex. Brody selects Finn as his designee and Finn is now an approver on some workflows. Normally, Finn does not have access to Editor. Nothing about the reassignment gives Finn the ability to access Editor or any other permissions that Brody might have had. The only change is that now Finn can approve. |
Can Admins see who is Out of Office? | Yes. In Users & Groups, the Out of office status of each user should be available. And, like all other users, Admins should see the status of users throughout the product, such as on the Dashboard or Workflow page. |
Can Admins set or change an OOO designee for users? | No. Only users can select or change their OOO status or designee. |