This article will walk you through how seat types are determined, how to find a user’s seat type, and how to find the permissions that are resulting in that seat type.
Ironclad assigns a user a seat based on the permissions they have through their group membership and assignments within Workflow Designer such as approver assignments. To change a users seat type, you need to understand the seat type they currently are and the permissions you want to enable/disable that will result in the desired seat type.
To view a user’s current seat type, click on your profile icon located in the top right corner of Ironclad. Navigate to Company Settings > Users and Groups > Groups. A user’s current seat type is listed next to their name.
To understand why a user is assigned their current seat type, you can click the designation after their name to open a window which will list all permissions and assignments that result in the user being assigned their current role.
For more information on how to manage user seat types, refer to Manage Admin, Standard, and Requestor Users or Manage Admin, Standard, and Viewer Users based on the seat types included in your plan.
This window does NOT show all permissions, only the permissions aligned to the user’s current seat type. For example, when looking at a Standard User, you will only see Standard level permissions, not Requester level permissions.
This window does NOT show all permissions, only the permissions aligned to the user’s current seat type. For example, when looking at a Standard User, you will only see Standard level permissions, not Requester level permissions.