This topic will walk you through how to troubleshoot Clickwrap Groups.
This topic is specific to the New Clickwrap Experience. If you are using the Classic Clickwrap Experience, refer to the Classic Clickwrap Experience documentation.
Why Are My Contracts Not Displayed?
If you don’t receive an error, but you can’t see your contracts, your settings may need to update your settings. The “Display All Contracts” setting is not enabled by default. If this setting is not toggled on, your contracts do not display until both of these conditions are met:
- A signer ID has been set either by listening to the Signer ID Selector or by calling _ps('set', 'signer_id', signer_id).
- Your signer ID passed to Clickwrap has not accepted the latest version(s) of the Contract(s) you're trying to present to the user.
To get your contracts to display, you must configure the following:
- Signer ID Selector: That is the input field (<input id="signer-id-selector" />) set to assign the Signer ID to a Signer.
- Container Selector: This is where the Contracts will be injected onto the page (<div id="container-selector"></div>)
If both of these aren't defined either in the group configuration, you can also define it with the following code:
// put the global snippet before this
_ps('load', 'your-group-key', { container_selector: "container-selector", signer_id_selector: "signer-id-selector" });
Why Aren't My Contracts/Checkboxes Displayed When I Load a Group in My App?
When you embed your Clickwrap into your website or app, you must add the following snippets of code.
- Clickwrap's library
- The group of contracts you want to load
- A <div> dedicated to where the contracts will be populated
Generally, when doing initial testing, you'll want to have Display Contracts Immediately and Display All Contracts enabled. By default, Display All Contracts is disabled. When you publish without this enabled, your contracts will not show until your signer ID is set.
What is the "Signer ID Selector"?
The Signer ID Selector is a part of Clickwrap’s JavaScript library. In your form where we’re capturing your opt in or purchase, the Signer ID Selector automatically listens to a form field with the CSS ID you specify.
An example sign up form may look like the following code:
<form action="..." method="post" id="form1" class="form">
<label for="first-name">First name:</label>
<input type="text" name="first_name" id="first-name" />
<label for="email-address">Email Address:</label>
<input type="email" name="email" id="ps-login-email" />
<p>By clicking "Submit", you agree to the <a href="#">Terms and Conditions</a>.</p>
<div id="agreements"></div>
<p><input type="submit" value="Submit" /></p>
The Signer ID Selector of this form would be ps-login-email.
Why Am I Unable to Add My Contract to a Group?
Were you given an error when you tried to add a contract to a group? Are you unable to find the contract you want to add? There are a few reasons as to why this may happen:
- You haven’t published your contract yet.
- Your contract isn’t public.
- You need to refresh your page.