This topic will provide you with an overview of template versions.
Template Versions
After you publish a template, you can make changes to the template. This creates a new version. Until you publish this new version, your viewers only see the published version.
To view past versions, navigate to “Open version history” and then click the version of interest.
Create New Version
A new version is automatically created when you click Publish. To create a new version, you can either:
- Click Create New Version to edit an existing, published template.
- Click Upload and Replace to replace the current version of the template with a DOCX.
Major and Minor Versions
You can differentiate whether a new version contains major or minor updates. This allows you to dictate whether or not your signers must review the new version when it's published.
A minor version update would be something like a typo, small wording adjustment, or formatting change. Since these do not pose major legal risks, you can categorize the version as minor. When published, minor versions use a dot notation system. If the last major version was 3.0, the minor versions would be labeled 3.1, 3.2, and so on.
A major version update is a legally impactful update that requires your signers to review the terms and update their acceptance. If you want a version to be classified as major, edit your template and toggle on Major Version. This is enabled by default.
If you classify a version as major, when it's published, your signers must review and accept the terms the updated terms. Clickwrap will then store this data so the signer is not prompted with the terms again until you make a major version update.