Ready to send a Contract for signature? You want a new Signature Request.
To get to the Signature Request screen, simply click the paper airplane icon. You'll find yourself on the Signature Request Dashboard:
The first thing you'll do is choose which Contract you're requesting the Signer to sign. You can choose an existing Contract or you can even upload a Contract that's sitting on your computer's hard drive.
A screen appears where you can see:
The Signature Request status on top
A preview of the Contract on the bottom
A panel with several tabs on the right, which we'll talk about below
Right panel tab
Here are the icons you see at the top of that panel on the right. Each one represents a tab where you can dig in on specifics about your Signature Request.
Info Tab
The first tab (the one with an i in a circle) is the info tab. On this tab, you can:
Set the Name and Description for the Signature Request
See the Status of the Signature Request
Enter a date on which the Signature Request Expires
Choose whether to require the Signer to scroll to the bottom of the Contract before agreeing by toggling the Force Scroll switch
Choose whether to share a link to the Contract, rather than sending the link in an email, text message, or chat message by toggling the SmartPact switch
Give Signers the option to download the Contract as a PDF or a Word file by toggling the Download Format switch
Decide whether to use PactSafe's Comments feature to collaborate with Signers on the Contract by toggling the Allow Comments switch
See the dates when the Signature Request was Sent, Created, and Updated
Signers Tab
By default, you start on the Signers tab (the one with a person's head and shoulders) so you can specify who should sign the Contract. If the Contract was created with Signer Roles, then you can assign each user to a role here. You also have the option to require identity confirmation from the Signers or specify the Signing Order for the Signers.
Fields Tab
The Fields tab (the one with the pen signing on the line) is where you assign Fields to Signers.
Tokens Tab
Next is the Tokens tab (the one with the stars inside curly brackets). If your Contract uses Tokens that you need to set the values of, use this tab to set them.
History Tab
This last tab is the History tab (the one with the line graph) shows the history of everything that's happened with this Signature Request.