PactSafe helps you find the Contract you need with three tools: ownership filter, property filters, and search. When you click the Contracts button from the menu on the left side of the screen to get to the Contracts Screen, you see all your Contracts and the tools to dig in and find the particular one you need.
Ownership Filter
The ownership filter sits in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. You can choose My Contracts, Everyone's Contracts, or Others' Contracts. Choosing these values works just like they sound: you'll either see the Contracts you created, the Contracts everyone created, or the Contracts everyone except you created.
Property Filters
On the upper right-hand corner of the screen, click the Filter button to open the Filter Contracts panel.
On this panel, you can use the check boxes to filter the Contracts that you see:
Type: Limit the list to only HTML Contracts or PDF Contracts.
Published: Limit the list to only those Contracts that have or haven't been Published.
Public: Limit the list to only those Contracts that have or haven't been set to Public.
Shared: Limit the list to only those that have or haven't been shared with another Site.
Tags: Limit the list to only those Contracts that have the tags you selected. The tags you can select for this filter are all those assigned to Contracts in your Contracts repository. If you choose more than one tag, the filter includes Contracts with ANY of the tags you selected.
Tip: If you don't select either check box in a filter, PactSafe ignores that filter when picking the Contracts to show you in the list. So, selecting no checkboxes in a filter has the same effect as selecting all of them.
Developer Tip: You can also filter Contracts by tags via the API or inside of dynamic Groups. For more info on that, check out our Developer Portal.
The Contract Search appears on the screen right next to the Filter button. Click the magnifying glass and type the term you want to search for. PactSafe searches the titles of the Contracts to bring back Contracts that match.