This document describes the structure of an email Template and the tokens that appear in it. If that sentence didn't make any sense to you, take a step back and read What are all these ##{{{things}}} in my Email Templates? The functionality we're talking about in this document is available only to Admins of Professional and Enterprise edition accounts.
The Signature Request Complete email is sent to all Signers and Recipients of a Request to notify them that all Contracts have been signed by the necessary parties. PactSafe triggers this email when all Signers have completed their part and a Request is in Complete status. Here's an example of a branded Signature Request Complete email:
Variables used in the Signature Request Complete Template:
The following variables are used in the Template (required and optional are denoted):
##{{{brand.logo_url}}} and ##{{#if brand.primary_color}} — if we have set up your account to have a customized brand with logo, a primary & secondary color, your brand logo and primary color will be populated here. Otherwise, this will not render. Optional, as you'll likely use your own logo and colors.
##{{{contract_title}}} — this will include the name(s) of the Contract(s) accepted by the Signer. If multiple Contracts are accepted via clickwrap or Hosted Form, this will be a comma separated list. Recommended to keep in the HTML.
##{{#if signer_role == "recipient"}} — this content appears only to Signers who have been marked as a "Recipient" of the message. Meaning: they will not need to sign, they'll only need to review. Recommended to keep to provide context to Signer vs. Recipient.
##{{{contract_title}}} — this is the name(s) of the Contract(s) being sent for signature. Recommended to keep.
##{{#if contract_count == 1}} — this pluralizes "has" or "have" depending on how many Signers you have in your Request.
##{{{complete_signers_count}}} — the number of Signers who signed your Request.
##{{{contract_label}}} — this simply will pluralize "Contract" depending on if there are one or many Contracts to accept by the Signer. Optional.
##{{{message}}} — This is the message entered by the PactSafe sender to address the Signer(s) of the signature Request.
##{{company_name}} — this is the name of your Site (usually a company name). Optional to keep the variable, but we do highly recommend you keep this information in your HTML in some fashion.
##{{company_address_street}} — the street address attached to your Site, which can be defined in your Site Settings. Optional to keep the variable, but we do highly recommend you keep this information in your HTML in some fashion.
##{{company_address_city}} — the city defined in your Site, which can be defined in your Site Settings. Optional to keep the variable, but we do highly recommend you keep this information in your HTML in some fashion.
##{{company_address_state}} — the state defined in your Site, which can be defined in your Site Settings. Optional to keep the variable, but we do highly recommend you keep this information in your HTML in some fashion.
##{{company_address_postal_code}} — the zip code/postcode defined in your Site, which can be defined in your Site Settings. Optional to keep the variable, but we do highly recommend you keep this information in your HTML in some fashion.
##{{company_address_country}} — the country defined in your Site, which can be defined in your Site Settings. Optional to keep the variable, but we do highly recommend you keep this information in your HTML in some fashion.