Sometimes you might need a link to send to a Signer, outside of the normal email or text message signing flow. Don't worry: PactSafe has you covered!
Every time you send a Signature Request, the system creates a unique, secure link to the Contract for each Signer. All you have to do is go into the Request and grab that unique link for the particular Signer you want to send it to.
You can find links for Signature Requests that you've already sent to at least one Signer. After all, it's the sending of the Request that generates the link, and the Request isn't ready for Signers to see until it's been sent anyway. However, once the Signature Request is complete, you won't find the link anymore. By that point the Signers have all already found and signed Contract; there's no need to send them a link to the Request.
This animation shows where you find the link. Below it are the steps in words, in case reading about a process is more your thing.
As you can see, you use these steps to copy a Request link:
From the Dashboard, find the Signature Request you want to link to and click on it to open it. It has to be a Request that you've already sent to at least one Signer, but it can't be a Request that's already Complete. Click the Request to open it. Tip: Use the magnifying glass just above the list of Requests to search for the one you want.
In the Request, click the Signers tab on the right side of the screen.
Hover your mouse pointer over the ... next to the Signer's name. Choose Copy Link from the menu that appears.
Now the link is in your computer's clipboard. You can use CTRL-V to paste the link into any channel (email, Slack, Salesforce, etc.) to send to a Signer for signature!