This topic will walk you through the commands the Ironclad Clickwrap currently supports. This includes how to add each type of command.
Note: Ironclad Clickwrap must be enabled by your Customer Success Manager (CSM). To learn more about Clickwrap pricing and support packages, contact your CSM or email support.
Automatically capture Snapshots using emulation. If the Embedded Clickwrap agreement is immediately presented to the counterparty without any further interaction, simply provide the destination URL and frequency.
However, if the user must take some action like before seeing the clickwrap agreement like logging in or bypassing reCAPTCHA, use Command Builder to simulate that interaction.
Command Builder uses the CSS of your experiences and standard protocols like headers and cookies to define instructions that simulate system or counterparty behavior:
- System behavior, like setting custom headers or cookies, allows Ironclad to bypass things like reCAPTCHA or logins.
- Counterparty behavior allows Ironclad to take specific user-driven actions, like clicking buttons or entering text. Instructions like these always require a way to identify the on-screen element. You can use most standard CSS selectors to identify elements, but the convention you choose will determine the structure of your “selector” input. Some instructions may require additional inputs, like text inputs or numerical values.
The documentation for adding individual instructions assumes you’re using Google Chrome’s “Inspect” tool to identify selectors, but any developer tool for any supported browser should work.
Use Case:
You want to simulate clicking on a “submit” button with id=”submitButton” and class=”actionButtons”. If you want to identify the element by its id (#id selector), input #submitButton in the Click instruction. Similarly, if you want to identify the element by its class (.class selector) input .actionButtons in the Click instruction. Both will simulate clicking the button.
The following instructions are available in Command Builder:
Command |
Type |
Description |
Use Case |
Custom Header | System Behavior | Set a custom header. | Your embedded Clickwrap is gated behind reCAPTCHA. Use custom headers to bypass the reCAPTCHA test to access the page. |
Set Cookies | System Behavior | Provide cookies. | Your embedded clickwrap is gated behind a login. Log into a demo or test account with cookies to access the page. |
Click | User Simulation | Click on an area of the screen. | Your customer clicks Submit after entering their email address. |
Load | User Simulation | Click on an area of the screen. | Your customer clicks “Next” before viewing terms and conditions. |
Type | User Simulation | Enter text into a field. | Your customer enters their email address before viewing terms and conditions. |
Wait | User Simulation | Wait a period of time before taking another action. | After your customer clicks a button, the screen displays your embedded clickwrap agreement. Wait 5 seconds before taking the Snapshot. |
Wait for Selector | User Simulation | Wait until an element loads before taking another action. | After your customer clicks a button, the screen displays your embedded clickwrap agreement. Wait until the checkbox loads before taking the Snapshot. |
Create a Command
Required Permissions: Snapshots Manage
You can create up to 25 commands in Command Builder.
- Click Snapshots located at the top of your screen.
- Select a Snapshot Location.
- In the Details tab, click Command Builder.
- If needed, update the starting URL in the Load field. The default value is the URL you provided when you created the location. If you update the URL in the Load field, the URL for the location is also updated. Note that this is the URL presented in downloaded evidence records.
- Click Add Instruction.
- Select the instruction you want to add.
- If you want to test your commands before saving, click Test Commands. Test captures are not stored on your snapshot location.
- When you are done building your command, click Save and Close.
Modify an Existing Command
Required Permissions: Snapshots Manage
- Click Snapshots located at the top of your screen.
- Select a Snapshot Location.
- In the Details tab, click Command Builder.
- Click Edit.
- Update your command.
- If you want to test your commands before saving, click Test Commands. Test captures are not stored on your snapshot location.
- When you are done building your command, click Save and Close.
Add a Type Instruction
Required Permissions: Snapshots Manage
Type instructions simulate entering specified text into a specified field.
- Navigate to Snapshot Location's URL.
- Find the element’s identifier. For example, in Google Chrome, right-click on the field and click Inspect.
- In Command Builder, click Add Instruction and select Type.
- In the Selector field, paste in the element’s identifier, including the appropriate CSS selector prefix (eg. #id).
- In the Input field, enter the value.
Add a Click Instruction
Required Permissions: Snapshots Manage
Click instructions simulate clicking on an area of the screen, like a button.
- Navigate to the Snapshot Location’s URL.
- Find the element’s identifier. For example, in Google Chrome, right-click on the field and click Inspect.
- In Command Builder, click Add Instruction and select Click.
- In the Selector field, paste in the element’s identifier, including the appropriate CSS selector prefix (eg. #id).
Add a Load Instruction
Required Permissions: Snapshots Manage
Load instructions simulate loading a URL. This does not need to be the same URL initially loaded.
If you typically set cookies before loading your initial URL, we recommend adding a Set Cookies instruction followed by a Load instruction, and re-load the original URL.
- In Command Builder, click Add Instruction and select Load.
- In the URL field, enter a URL.
Add a Wait Instruction
Required Permissions: Snapshots Manage
Wait instructions simulate waiting an amount of time before taking the next action.
- In Command Builder, click Add Instruction and select Wait.
- In the Time(s) field, enter the amount of time in seconds you want Command Builder to wait before tacking the next action.
Add a Wait for Selector Instruction
Required Permissions: Snapshots Manage
Wait for Selector instructions simulate waiting for an element to load before taking the next action.
- In Command Builder, click Add Instruction and select Wait for Selector.
- In the Selector field, paste in the element’s identifier, including the appropriate CSS selector prefix (eg. #id).
Add a Set Cookies Instruction
Required Permissions: Snapshots Manage
Set Cookies instructions enable Ironclad to simulate the cookie exchange between a real user and your server to help facilitate logins, shopping carts and more.
- In Command Builder, click Add Instruction and select Set Cookies.
- In the Name field, enter the name of the cookie you want to set.
- In the Value field, enter the value of the cookie you want to set.
- In the Domain field, optionally specify the domain for which the cookie is sent without the protocol (eg. https://).
Set a Custom Header
Required Permissions: Snapshots Manage
Custom headers allow Ironclad to transfer additional data to your servers. For example, set a custom header to bypass reCAPTCHA validation. Custom headers are executed before the Command Builder instructions. You can add up to 10 custom headers.
- In Command Builder, click + Add Header in the Custom Headers section.
- In the Name field, enter the name of the header you want to set.
- In the Value field, enter the value of the header you want to set.