This article will walk you through how to troubleshoot your Ironclad integration errors and subscribe to error notifications.
The Ironclad Errors page displays all of your integration errors. You can filter errors by type, ID, source, date range, severity, and status. For each error, you can view additional information (when available) and dismiss it if you determine no action is required. You can also subscribe to email notifications for key errors related to integration, user management, and bulk actions.
Subscribe to Error Notifications
You can subscribe to receive email notifications regarding key errors to your integration, user management, and bulk actions.
- Click on your profile icon located in the top right corner of Ironclad. Navigate to Company Settings > Errors.
- Click Add Subscription.
- In the Subscriber Type field, select whether you want to subscribe a user or group to notifications.
- In the Subscriber field, select a user or group, depending on the subscriber type you selected in the previous step.
- Select the Sources you would like to be notified about. Click Save.
- To delete a subscription, click the ‘X’ located in the same row as the subscription.
- To edit a subscription, click the Edit icon indicated by a pencil. When you are finished editing the subscription, save your changes.
Salesforce Integration Errors
Resolve a Workflow Sync Error
- Click on your profile icon located in the top right corner of Ironclad. Navigate to Company Settings > Errors.
- Filter the Entity Type by Workflow. The entity ID is based on the “Entity Type”. If the entity type is a “workflow”, then the ID describes a specific workflow accessible from the dashboard. If the entity type is a “workflow template”, then the ID references a workflow template accessible in workflow designer.
- Filter the Integration by Salesforce.
- If you want to filter by a specific date range, select a start date and end date.
- Each error message describes what went wrong. If you are unable to resolve the issue, reach out to Ironclad Support and copy the Error ID.
Resolve a Record Sync Error
Required Permissions: Ironclad Admin OR Integrations Permissions
Previously, record sync errors displayed on the Record Sync Errors tab within the Salesforce configuration tile. This page will be deprecated in the coming weeks. We recommend using the Errors page in Company Settings.
If an record sync error displays on the Errors page, Ironclad has already tried to resolve it by attempting to retry syncing multiple times. The error then requires manual action to resolve or dismiss the error.
Some error messages can be ignored. For example, if you examine the Ironclad Repository record (the hyperlinked workflow ID) and the associated record in Salesforce to verify that the data is correct in both systems, click Ignore to dismiss the error. The specific error message for this Ironclad record is removed from the page. If you ignore a record, it does not impact other records.
- Click your name located in the top right corner of Ironclad. Click Company Settings > Errors.
- Filter the Source to Salesforce and Entity Type to Record. All of the errors that have occurred while trying to sync Ironclad’s Repository records to Salesforce display. Errors are listed in reverse chronological order, with the latest errors at top.
- Based on the error information, try and resolve the error. After you attempt to resolve it, click Resync below the error. Ironclad tries to sync that specific record to Salesforce again. It will not impact other records of the same record type. If the record successfully syncs, Ironclad removes the error listing including the retry records.
- If a new error occurs for the same workflow, a new error for the workflow displays with a different error description.
Common Record Sync Error Messages
The table below details some commonly encountered record sync errors and solutions. If you run into an issue that is not mentioned here, or are having difficulties implementing the suggested fixes, reach out to Ironclad Support.
Error Message |
Potential Meaning |
How to Fix |
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to sync objects for the following mappings: |
This is likely an error on Ironclad’s side. There is an issue with syncing a record to the Salesforce account for certain mappings. |
Example In this example, CustomerSignedId is the Salesforce field with a problem. The field is used in the Counterparty Signed By Ironclad field, so take a look at the mapping.There are a couple of potential problems:
CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY with message: record type missing for: Contact |
This is likely an error on Salesforce’ side. There was an issue with creating the Salesforce object. | First, check that the Salesforce Service Account (linked at the Ironclad company level, not personal user level) has create permissions in Salesforce or that Salesforce object (e.g. the Contact). If that does not resolve the issue: the Salesforce object may have required field(s) that need to be set in order to create that object, but the Ironclad mapping is missing those fields. — One solution would be to add in the missing mappings to Ironclad under the ‘Record Sync’ tab. — Alternatively, you could change the object’s settings in Salesforce to make this field optional. Click Resync to retry the sync. |
Coupa Integration Errors
Workflow Sync Errors
- Click your name located in the top right corner of Ironclad. Click Company Settings > Errors. Errors are listed in reverse chronological order, with the latest errors at top.
- Filter the Entity Type by Workflow. The entity ID is based on the “Entity Type”. If the entity type is a “workflow”, then the ID describes a specific workflow accessible from the dashboard. If the entity type is a “workflow template”, then the ID references a workflow template accessible in workflow designer.
- Filter the Integration by Coupa.
- If you want to filter by a specific date range, select a start date and end date.
- Each error message describes what went wrong. If you are unable to resolve the issue, reach out to Ironclad Support and copy the Error ID.