This article will walk you through how to edit metadata. This includes how to edit metadata for both in progress and fully executed agreements.
Edit an In-Progress Workflow’s Metadata During the Review and Change Step
- If you want to edit a workflow’s metadata after it has been launched, click Edit Info during the Review and Change step.
- Any change you make is tracked in your Activity Feed in a collapsible section. Click View Edited Information in any section to view your change.
Edit an In-Progress Workflow’s Metadata During the Archive Step
Any edits made in the archive form will update both the workflow attributes and the record.
Required Role: Archiver
- If you want to edit a workflow’s metadata right before you complete the workflow, click Edit during the Archive step. For multiple choice, dropdown, and multi-select fields, the available options are limited to those defined in the workflow configuration at launch.
- Any change you make is tracked in your Activity Feed in a collapsible section. Click View Edited Information in any section to view your change.
Edit a Fully Executed Agreement’s Metadata
You only have access to records with a record type that you have been granted access to. To request access, speak with your company’s system administrator.
- Click on the Repository tab, and select the record you want to edit. A preview pane displays on the right.
- Click Edit.
- Click Add Property, and then choose a property category from the dropdown.
- Click Save.
Edit a Workflow Record’s Documents in the Repository
When you add or remove documents from a record, it does not add or remove them for your document provider linked to Ironclad. If you want to learn more about the Repository, check out the Repository and Search Overview.
- Click on the Repository tab, and select the record you want to edit. A preview pane displays on the right.
- Click Edit.
- Under the Documents section, click Add a Document.
- If your document contains signatures, click This document contains signatures. This classifies your document as a signed agreement.
- If you want to remove an existing document, hover over the document then click Delete Document indicated by a trash can icon.