This article will walk you through how to mange file names and file paths. This includes how to customize file names and paths, and how to incorporate property tags in file names and file paths.
Customizing your file naming conventions and file paths enable you to automatically save agreements in a consistent and organized manner. We highly recommend establishing your file names and paths before publishing your workflow template.
Customize File Names and File Paths
We recommend considering who will access the documents in the future and how they will access them. A couple of common configuration are to:
- Organize by agreement type, then counterparty name, then agreement status: [Record Type] / [Counterparty Name] / Drafts / [Your file goes here]
- Organize by counterparty name, then agreement type, then agreement status: [Counterparty Name] / [Agreement Type] / Drafts / [Your file goes here]
- Click on the Workflow Designer tab and select the workflow configuration you want to modify. Click the Archive tab > File Management.
- You can update the file names for both draft and signed files. To edit them, click in the text box. Drafts are saved as .docx and signed agreements are saved as .pdf. Words in [square brackets] are property tags.
- We recommend organizing your file names by agreement type, counterparty name, your company name, and agreement date. For example, [Record Type] between [Counterparty Name] and [Your Company Entity] ([Agreement Date]).pdf. The result is NDA between WonderWeb Inc. and Beta, Inc. (12/12/2022).
- You can update the file paths for draft, signed, and uploaded. To edit them, click in the text box. Words in [square brackets] are property tags.
- We recommend considering who will access the documents in the future and how they will access them. A couple of common configuration are to:
- Organize by agreement type, then counterparty name, then agreement status: [Record Type] / [Counterparty Name] / Drafts / [Your file goes here]
- Organize by counterparty name, then agreement type, then agreement status: [Counterparty Name] / [Agreement Type] / Drafts / [Your file goes here]
Incorporate Property Tags in File Names and File Paths
You can customize your file names and file paths by including property tags that you have recorded in Ironclad. There are a few guidelines for entering tags:
- When adding tags to the File Name use dashes (-), not forward slashes (/).
- There is a specialized tag, [workflowConfigurationName], that allows you to include the Launch Form Name – the name from the 'Start Workflow’ dropdown.
- File names can be up to 255 characters.
- All dates in file names follow the Month DD, YYYY format.
- Conditions and signer tags are not supported for file names and file paths.
- Click on the Workflow Designer tab and select the workflow configuration you want to modify. Click the Archive tab > File Management.
- In the field you want to update, enter a “[”, and then begin typing the tag’s name. A dropdown displays containing all of your existing tags. Select the tag you want to add.